TMS Executive Committee

TMS Chair: Prof. Anna Maria Teti
Anna Teti is Professor of Histology at the University of L’Aquila, Italy, and President of the European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS). She graduated in Biology at the University of Bari, Italy. Over the years, she has been awarded the Chemofux Prize (Vienna, Austria), the Prix Andre Lichtwitz (INSERM, Paris, France), the Swiss Bridge award (Zurich, Switzerland), the ECTS Mike Horton award and the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) Lawrence G. Raisz award. She published 196 papers mostly focused on bone cells, osteoporosis, mechanobiology and osteopetrosis. Areas of interest include osteoclast biotechnology, podosome and osteoclast calcium sensing/pH regulation discoveries, bone metastasis, genetics, cellular alterations and experimental therapy of autosomal dominant osteopetrosis.

Co-chair: Dr. Giovanni De Gasperis
Giovanni De Gasperis is Assistant Professor of Cognitive Robotics and Intelligent Systems at Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of L’Aquila, Italy. He got his
PhD on Electronics Engineering at the University of L'Aquila in 1995. Then, he was PostDoctoral Fellow at UT-MDACC-US, Contract Lecturer at University of L'Aquila and Freelance Software Engineer. He also was visiting Professor at University of Westminster (London, UK, 2012), of Salamanca (ES, 2014) and of Tblisi (GE, 2017).

Co-chair: Prof. Denise Boncioli
Denise Boncioli is an astroparticle physicist. She got her master degree at the University of L'Aquila in 2008 and the PhD in Physics at the University of Roma Tor Vergata in 2011. After being a postdoc at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (Italy), DESY (Germany) and GSSI (Italy), she is now associate professor at the University of L'Aquila. Her research activity is dedicated to the study of ultra-high energy cosmic rays; she is interested in the phenomenology of cosmic rays and their interactions, with approaches involving also other astrophysical messengers such as high-energy neutrinos and gamma rays. She is actively involved in The Pierre Auger Observatory, the largest observatory ever built for detecting cosmic rays at the highest energies.

Co-chair: Dr. Sara Battista
Sara Battista is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) . She got her Master degree in Chemical Sciences in 2016 and she obtained her PhD in Physical and Chemical Sciences in 2019 from the University of L’Aquila. In 2018 she was visiting PhD student at ICMAB-CSIC in the group of Dr. Nora Ventosa and in 2021 she vas visiting Post-Doc at University of Barcelona in the groups of Prof. Alessandro Sorrenti and Prof. Josep Puigmartì-Luis. Her research focuses on the preparation, by sevaral techniques, and physicochemical characterization of lipid supramolecular aggregates such as liposomes, micelles and GUVs to be used as drug delivery systems or for other applications.

Ex-officio TMS-chair: Annabel Curle, PhD candidate
Annabel curle got her BSc in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Manchester in 2019. As a part of this degree, she spent one year at the University of L’Aquila on placement in the lab of Professor Anna Maria Teti and became immersed in the TMS team. Anna is currently a final year Clinical Neurosciences PhD student at the University of Cambridge hoping to graduate in 2022. She works in neuroimmunology, aiming to understand the role of inflammation in Parkinson’s disease and working on the immunogenicity of cellular therapies.

Ex-officio Co-chair: Dr. Marco Ponzetti
Marco Ponzetti got his Master Degree in Medical Biotecnologies in July 2016 at the University of L'Aquila, and the PhD in Experimental medicine in April 2020 at the University of L’Aquila. He is currently working as post-doctoral researcher, focusing on the role of micro RNAs in the bone metastatic microenvironment. His research interests are bone metastasis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and bone physiology. He recently won the "New investigator award" of the European Calcified Tisue society, and the "Felix Bronner young investigator award" of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, the 2 most prestigious prizes for young scientists in the field of bone biology. He is also interested in web design, and he created this website, and a few others. He is currently also coordinating the restyling of the ECTS website.

Ex-officio Co-chair: Prof. Luisa Giansanti
Luisa Giansanti got her Master Degree in Chemistry in July 2002 and her PhD in Chemical Science in February 2007 at the University of Rome “Sapienza”. Since 2014 she is researcher at the Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences (University of L'Aquila) and she holds the professorship in Supramolecular Chemistry. Her research topics mainly deal with i) the preparation and physicochemical characterization of liposomal formulation for drug delivery of active principles and natural substances, ii) the development of lipid-based sensors and ii) the synthesis and characterization of surfactants and of their aggregates.

Ex-Officio Co-chair: Prof. Francesco Salamida
Francesco Salamida got his Master Degree in Physics in April 2003 at the University of Lecce and the PhD in Physics in February 2007 at the University of L’Aquila. After Post-Docs in L’Aquila, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay (France) and Milano Bicocca, since November 2016 he is researcher (RTD/B) at the Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences (University of L'Aquila) and he holds the professorship in Nuclear and Sub-Nuclear Physics.
His research focuses on the experimental physics of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays within the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina and on neutrinoless double beta decay search as a member of the GERDA experiment at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso.
TMS Working Groups

Website, Social Media and dissemination
Chair: Dr. Sara Battista; Co-Chairs: Elena Allegritti, Piergiorgio Patrizi, Luca Giacchi
This is the group that created the website, manages it, sends you weekly newsletters and hangs posters around the department. We also take care of managing the TMS social media, and our aim is to keep you up to date and grow the visibility of the TMS.

Chair: Claudia Tottone; Co-Chair: Adam Bale
We think, design and produce the monthly TMS newsletter, to keep you up to date with what went on during the monthly events, feedback from partecipants, upcoming activities...and funny cartoons! Of course we will also keep you up to date with major accomplishments by our members, and important news in science. Stay tuned!

Platform handling/streaming
Chair: Prof. Giovanni De Gasperis; Co-Chairs: Prof. Anna Maria Teti, Dr. Antonio Maurizi, Luca Giacchi, Piergiorgio Patrizi
This is the group that manages the platforms and all their technical issues, besides planning the meetings and taking care of their streaming.

Chair: Chiara Puri; Co-Chairs: Argia Ucci, Marzia Rea
The students working group deals with getting other students involved in the TMS. This is strictly related to our mission, which is to help our students and every other person to learn scientific English and improve their understanding of science. We also organize journal clubs, where we discuss one or more recently-published groundbreaking papers of wide interest.

Mini-symposium/ Day of Science
Chair: Antonio Maurizi; Co-Chairs: Dr. Denise Boncioli, Dr. Sara Battista, Evie Connors, Milo Elmes, Elena Allegritti, Adam Bale
The mini-symposium working group organizes, once or twice a year, a sequence of events dealing with a specific scientific topic. The group presents different aspects of the issue to collectively give the big picture...and of course refreshments are provided afterwards, along with a lively discussion!

Journal Club
Chair: Antonio Maurizi
Computer Science - Co-Chair: Daniele Lozzi
Bio - Co-Chairs: Luca Giacchi, Evie Connors, Milo Elmes
Chem - Co-Chairs: Dr. Sara Battista; Elena Allegritti
Phys - Co-Chair: Denise Boncioli
Reading scientific papers is a key activity in every scientist's job, and sometimes it is also important to discuss the results of these papers with others. The TMS journal club working group will arrange meetings in which an important paper is presented, and a lively discussion about technical and scientific aspects follows.